
  • Branche:
  • Maschinen- und Anlagenbau
  • Standorte national:
  • Neutraubling (bei Regensburg)
    • Standorte international:
    • Über 100 Standorte weltweit
      • Link Standorte weltweit:
      • KRONES weltweit
      • Anzahl Mitarbeiter:
      • Rund 18.500 weltweit
      • Umsatz:
      • 4.720,7 Mio. € (2023)
      • Bedarf an Auszubildende:
      • Ausbildung:
        • Anlagenmechaniker (m/w/d)
        • Industriemechaniker (m/w/d)
        • Industriemechaniker mit Einsatzgebiet Service und Montage (m/w/d)
        • Elektroniker (m/w/d)
        • Elektroniker mit Einsatzgebiet Service und Montage (m/w/d)
        • Elektroniker (m/w/d) mit Profil 21
        • Fachinformatiker (m/w/d)
        • Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik (m/w/d)
        • Fremdsprachenindustriekaufmann (m/w/d)
        • IT-Systemelektroniker (m/w/d)
        • Konstruktionsmechaniker (m/w/d)
        • Mechatroniker (m/w/d)
        • Technischer Produktdesigner (m/w/d)
        • Zerspanungsmechaniker (m/w/d)

        Duales Studium:
        • Bachelor of Engineering
        • Bachelor of Science
      • Bedarf an Absolventen:
      • Aktuelle Angebote finden Sie unter Karriere Hochschulabsolventen
      • Gesuchte Fachrichtungen:
        • Brautechnologie
        • Ingenieurwissenschaften
        • Kunststofftechnik
        • Maschinenbau
        • Elektrotechnik
        • Lebensmitteltechnologie
        • Informatik
        • Wirtschaftswissenschaften
        • Verfahrenstechnik
        • Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen
      • Einstiegsmöglichkeiten:
        • Traineeprogramm
        • Direkteinstieg
      • Praktika:
      • Praktika werden in allen Unternehmensbereichen angeboten
      • Abschlussarbeiten:
      • Abschlussarbeiten werden in allen Unternehmensbereichen angeboten
      • Homepage:
      • Link zum Karrierebereich:
      • Karriere bei KRONES
      • Bewerbungsverfahren:
      • Infos zum Bewerbungsablauf
      • Recruiting-Events:
      • Deutschlandweit sind wir auf über 40 Messen anzutreffen. Wir freuen uns darauf Sie persönlich kennen zu lernen.

      • Link Messetermine:
      • Messen & Veranstaltungen
      • Awards:



      Böhmerwaldstrasse 5
      93073 Neutraubling


      Ansprechpartnerin bei KRONES: Barbara Haller
      Barbara Haller
      HR Employer Branding and Recruiting
      Fon: 09401 / 70-2736
      Ansprechpartnerin bei KRONES: Franziska Bayerl
      Franziska Bayerl
      HR Apprentice- and Traineeship
      Fon: 09401 / 70-4719

      Google Maps

      Wir über uns

      Solutions beyond tomorrow

      Foto: © KRONES AG
      Der Krones Konzern mit Hauptsitz in Neutraubling, Deutschland, plant, entwickelt und fertigt Maschinen und komplette Anlagen für die Bereiche Prozess-, Abfüll- und Verpackungstechnik. Digitalisierungslösungen, Fabrikplanung, Kunststoff-Recycling sowie zahlreiche Produkte der Krones Tochtergesellschaften ergänzen das Produktportfolio.

      Jeden Tag durchlaufen Millionen von Glasflaschen, Dosen und PET-Behälter eine Krones Anlage. Im Einsatz sind Krones Lösungen unter anderem in Brauereien, bei Wasser-, Softdrink- und Saft-Herstellern sowie bei Molkereien und Wein-, Sekt- und Spirituosen-Produzenten sowie Unternehmen der Liquid-Food-Branche.

      Unsere Maschinen und Anlagen sind echte Weltenbummler und bei Firmen auf der ganzen Welt im Einsatz – sogar im Himalaya, auf den Fidschi-Inseln und in der Arktis. Und dort, wo Krones Maschinen im Einsatz sind, sind natürlich auch unsere Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter nicht weit. Tagtäglich setzen rund 18.500 Mitarbeitende alles daran, die Kundenunternehmen auf der ganzen Welt best- und schnellstmöglich zu bedienen. Möglich macht dies unser starkes internationales Netzwerk, das sich durch mehr als 100 Standorte weltweit auszeichnet.



      Egal, ob Sie einen Ausbildungsplatz suchen, als Hochschulabsolvent Ihre Karriere beginnen wollen oder sich für neue berufliche Perspektiven interessieren: Krones bieten Ihnen unter folgendem Weblink je nach Ausbildung und Interessen zahlreiche Möglichkeiten für Ihre Karriere: Zur KRONES Stellenbörse

      Sie möchten Teil unseres Teams werden? Aktuelle Jobangebote bei der Krones AG und ihren Tochtergesellschaften finden Sie auf


      Aktuelle Stellenangebote





      The Taiwan Hon Chuan Group has placed its first order for a Contipure AseptBloc for filling low-acid tea-based beverages....
      The Taiwan Hon Chuan Group has placed its first order for a Contipure AseptBloc for filling low-acid tea-based beverages....
      With a new PET line including an ErgoBloc L for 100,000 bottles per hour, Nu-Pure Beverages strives for new records...
      With a new PET line including an ErgoBloc L for 100,000 bottles per hour, Nu-Pure Beverages strives for new records...
      Uniben is leveraging Krones technology for producing and filling its beverage products – both for soft drinks and for sensitive hotfill products....
      Jägermeister has invested in new technology for filling its herbal liqueur, whose iconic bottles require customized solutions....
      Jägermeister has invested in new technology for filling its herbal liqueur, whose iconic bottles require customized solutions....
      Krones employees on a global mission: people who took part in the Across Borders exchange programme in 2024 share their experiences and insights....
      Krones employees on a global mission: people who took part in the Across Borders exchange programme in 2024 share their experiences and insights....
      A block, a partial line, and a complete line – Coca-Cola Europacific Partners is upgrading its production capabilities at three sites in Germany with new technologies....
      A total of three Krones lines equipped with aseptic technology enable Samyang Packaging to respond promptly to its customers’ changing needs....
      A total of three Krones lines equipped with aseptic technology enable Samyang Packaging to respond promptly to its customers’ changing needs....
      With a wide range of offers and activities Krones once again delivered a healthy working environment for its employees in 2024....
      With a wide range of offers and activities Krones once again delivered a healthy working environment for its employees in 2024....
      50 years ago, Krones launched its first bottle washer. Let’s look back on how it all started and milestones in cleaning technology at Krones....
      50 years ago, Krones launched its first bottle washer. Let’s look back on how it all started and milestones in cleaning technology at Krones....
      “WorldSkills” is a world championship that is held every year with the aim of honouring craft and non-academic professions. A Krones employee took part....
      “WorldSkills” is a world championship that is held every year with the aim of honouring craft and non-academic professions. A Krones employee took part....
      Krones is running a “Men's health” campaign aimed at opening conversations about preventative measures for men....
      Krones is running a “Men's health” campaign aimed at opening conversations about preventative measures for men....
      For half a century, Krones has been offering fillers for the beverage industry. Let’s look back on how it all started and the most important technical advances along the way....
      For half a century, Krones has been offering fillers for the beverage industry. Let’s look back on how it all started and the most important technical advances along the way....
      Krones’ digital solutions enable the Störtebeker Braumanufaktur to fill its specialty beers on a highly efficient system....
      Krones’ digital solutions enable the Störtebeker Braumanufaktur to fill its specialty beers on a highly efficient system....
      The term "fair language" stands for a use of language that does not exclude any person or group of persons. What is Krones' way of handling this much-discussed topic?...
      The term "fair language" stands for a use of language that does not exclude any person or group of persons. What is Krones' way of handling this much-discussed topic?...
      Bottler Epirotic has added two new lines from Krones – one for cans, the other for glass bottles – in its quest to conquer the Greek hospitality market....
      Bottler Epirotic has added two new lines from Krones – one for cans, the other for glass bottles – in its quest to conquer the Greek hospitality market....
      Up to 25 percent women – unusual for mechanical engineering, but normal for a Krones Processing team. What is the story behind this?...
      Steinecker tests its Poseidon dynamic fermentation unit with crabtree-negative yeasts and produces beer with 0.0% alcohol by volume....
      Check: What potential do insects, algae, microbial fermentation and cultured meat have as protein alternatives?...
      AI-based fill level control in the Dynafill saves resources and improves both productivity and efficiency....
      Two returnable-glass lines – one for versatility, the other for speed. On the occasion of the company’s 200-year anniversary, the brewery C. & A. Veltins has put new Krones kit into operation....
      A well thought-out energy consultation from Steinecker and conversions in the brewhouse ensure significantly reduced heat consumption in the brewery....
      Increasing awareness, growing demand, and ever more regulations: A lot is happening in plastics recycling – including at Krones....
      High-performing Prefero is perfecting the production of preforms and closures...
      Louisa Strengbier has found her dream job at Krones. The newly minted trainer enjoys the mix of travel and office work....
      Around 7,000 people met at herCAREER, Europe's leading career and networking event for women - and Krones was there too!...
      In the future, the CO₂ footprint is to be calculated in the evaluation of intralogistics projects using a specially developed tool....
      Circular Food Solutions turns residual materials from the brewing process into basic ingredients for vegan meat substitutes by upcycling brewer’s grains....
      Krones is on course to achieve net zero and is already incorporating this goal into its procurement process. Here’s an overview of our strategy....
      Krones Lifecycle Service retrofitted four pasteurisers for the Turkish brewery Anadolu Efes with technology upgrades to reduce water consumption....
      A few years ago, Magdalena Demczuk from Poland unexpectedly moved to Barcelona to work at Krones. The project manager loves the professional challenges and life there....
      Hermann Kronseder would have been 100 years old on 3 October 2024 - a look back at the life of the inventor, visionary and founder of Krones...
      On 3 October 2024, Hermann Kronseder would have turned 100. A retrospective on his life’s work as the founder of Krones...
      News from research: In life cycle assessments, plastic products often perform better than their supposedly more environmentally friendly alternatives....
      Focusing on speed, flexibility, and efficiency, DrinkPAK invests in three Krones canning lines for its growing operations....
      Krones runs its own talent development programme aimed at developing staff who show potential for a leadership role....
      Krones Brazil is training potential applicants in a one-year program that serves as a precursor to the company’s in-house trainee program....
      27 Krones teams took part in the Regensburg district run 2024. Among them was the LLC inclusion relay team – “escorted by Krones”....
      Speed dating, Krones style: During Welcome Week, new apprentices got to know their fellow trainees and the company...
      The tagline “Solutions beyond tomorrow” distills the core idea underlying Krones’ target picture into three words....
      Thatchers has once again put its trust in solutions from the Krones Group, ordering an intralogistics concept with a high-bay warehouse that’s digitally interlinked to its existing production facilities and a new canning line....
      Active health management improves the wellbeing of employees, thereby ensuring a healthy work environment....
      Tomomasu has installed two turnkey lines for filling sparkling water to support the company’s growth....
      The Ottakringer Brewery is investing in a new type of filling and crowning technology from Krones: the Dynafill....
      The Mayora Group was faced with the need to relocate one of its aseptic lines to Indonesia....
      In order to prevent bird strikes, Krones has taken various measures for the welfare of the animals at its headquarters in Neutraubling....
      In late 2021, Krones established the Diversity Board in order to foster diversity and translate it into everyday reality. Several of its members give us some insight into their work in this article....
      The British water bottler has once again opted for a line featuring block technology. Their second ErgoBloc L also boasts an hourly output of 60,000 PET containers....
      Third-party recertification and a transparent bid preparation process: how efficient enviro technologies are becoming established as standard solutions....
      In the Innovation Lab and the Design Lab, both located within Regensburg’s TechBase, students can work shoulder-to-shoulder with Krones on the trends of the future....
      On all its global construction sites, Krones prioritises the sustainable reuse of materials, ranging from wooden pallets and copper cables right through to any surplus parts....
      Tethered caps are now mandatory. And we’ve calculated what the EU law has accomplished so far....
      Inspiring insights, best practices and global networking were all major features of our Customer Day “Digitalization” 2024....
      Inspiring insights, best practices and global networking were all major features of our Customer Day “Digitalization” 2024....
      Carbon footprint drastically reduced: A new energy concept is cutting the emissions from the Debrecen plant to around 100 tonnes a year....
      Krones offers an in-house retraining programme enabling its employees to embark on an apprenticeship as an industrial electrician....
      Moving to another country without any school qualifications or language skills? Sounds like a recipe for disaster. For Emese Katona, though, it was exactly the right decision. How the native Hungarian found a new home for herself in...
      Moving to another country without any school qualifications or language skills? Sounds like a recipe for disaster. For Emese Katona, though, it was exactly the right decision. How the native Hungarian found a new home for herself in...
      Moving to another country without any school qualifications or language skills? Sounds like a recipe for disaster. For Emese Katona, though, it was exactly the right decision. How the native Hungarian found a new home for herself in...
      Moving to another country without any school qualifications or language skills? Sounds like a recipe for disaster. For Emese Katona, though, it was exactly the right decision. How the native Hungarian found a new home for herself in...
      Moving to another country without any school qualifications or language skills? Sounds like a recipe for disaster. For Emese Katona, though, it was exactly the right decision. How the native Hungarian found a new home for herself in...
      Moving to another country without any school qualifications or language skills? Sounds like a recipe for disaster. For Emese Katona, though, it was exactly the right decision. How the native Hungarian found a new home for herself in...
      Moving to another country without any school qualifications or language skills? Sounds like a recipe for disaster. For Emese Katona, though, it was exactly the right decision. How the native Hungarian found a new home for herself in...
      Wackersdorf is abuzz with activity: System Logistics GmbH is showing insects some love with a pollinator meadow....
      Moving to another country without any school qualifications or language skills? Sounds like a recipe for disaster. For Emese Katona, though, it was exactly the right decision. How the native Hungarian found a new home for herself in...
      The Chinese Beijing Yanjing Brewery upgrades its filling operation with a new Krones canning line, rated at 120,000 cans per hour....
      Krones attaches great importance to sustainability at events – from construction of the stand through selection and coordination of the exhibits all the way to catering....
      The Linatronic AI substantially increases bottle inspection accuracy for the Bitburger Brewery....
      It’s a lot of work, but it’s worth it: The path to a meaningful life cycle assessment (LCA) is paved with heaps of numbers and data....
      The Harboes Bryggeri will soon start to fill a wide range of beverages on a state-of-the-art ErgoBloc line with syrup room....
      Krones has been collaborating with workshops for disabled people for a number of years and offers external workplaces for those with a handicap....
      Krones has taken its Modulfill HES filler for beer to the next level in terms of flexibility, sustainability and overall equipment effectiveness (OEE)....
      The accident statistics from System Logistics show a big fat zero for 2023. To ensure it stays that way in the future, the company has launched a powerful campaign....
      Dairy cooperative FrieslandCampina installed its third dry-aseptic line from Krones, this one is for cream and ESL milk....
      Climate protection is rewarded: Krones can count itself one of Europe’s Climate Leaders 2024....
      Bus, train, bike – there are many alternatives to choose from if you want to make the journey to work environmentally friendly and leave the car behind....
      An aseptic line for tea and coffee marks the beginning of a new era for Krones and Suntory: It is the first time the two companies are collaborating on a project in Japan, Suntory’s home country....
      Krones’ replacement programme and in-house overhauls constitute viable alternatives to disposing of assemblies in need of repair....
      Net-zero emissions by 2040: Krones has intensified its climate strategy – and submitted a net-zero emission target to the Science Based Targets initiative....
      Digital solutions from Krones are paving the way for efficient filling and smart analysis at Erdinger Weissbräu....
      With new photovoltaic systems installed at four of its facilities, Krones takes another major step forward on its way into a sustainable future....
      Tanja Jurasch loves her job as a mechatronics technician at Krones. She enjoys her day-to-day work and the many and varied tasks it involves. And she intends to stay right where she is....
      A new Krones canning line fills soft drinks at top speed for Coca-Cola HBC Egypt....
      International support: How a newly established Sustainability Competence Team is driving the ESG targets of the Krones Group....
      At Kristal Kola, a new PET hotfill line from Krones provides a maximum level of flexibility....
      Together with the Robert Enke Foundation, Krones hosted a series of virtual reality sessions that gave employees insight into the inner world of people living with depression....
      CO₂ recovery in breweries is part of Steinecker’s sustainability concept....
      Through the acquisition of the injection moulding technology company Netstal, the Krones Group now offers a solution for every process step of the plastics loop."...
      A plea for democracy and diversity: In the interview, Krones’ CEO Christoph Klenk speaks candidly against the noticeable shift to the right in Germany....
      Birgit Hahn, the new head of Central Field Service and the Krones Academy since 1 January 2024, aims to see some ambitious plans through to completion....
      An optimized process for direct heating and a holistic energy concept make for more sustainable production of oat and dairy drinks....
      How can beverage makers reduce their water consumption? We offer an overview of the key changes that can be made to achieve big results....
      The Krones Group and Food Brewer have joined forces, working on a concept for producing alternative foods based on cell cultures. At the heart of the project is the Steinecker bioreactor....
      At the Process Technology Center in Neutraubling, companies can develop and test recipes for beverages and liquid food products....
      Steinecker’s Water Sustainability Concept is a modularised system for reducing the amount of water used in a brewery....
      For the first time, Krones will deliver a turnkey aseptic line to Mongolia – to MCS Coca-Cola....
      Suntory is breaking new ground with its first greenfield project in Australia and has chosen three Krones lines to support the project....
      The Chinese Junlebao Dairy Group will soon be filling its cold-chain fresh milk on six Contipure AseptBloc DN aseptic lines from Krones....
      By earning a CDP score of “A-“ in the climate change category, Krones has improved its environmental performance for the third time in a row....
      A decent standard of living in an ecologically intact world: Read on to learn what exactly the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals represent and how they concern Krones....
      Providing a safe and healthy working environment is not only a moral obligation for companies but also a legal mandate. Of course Krones, too, is taking measures to ensure the health and safety of its employees....
      Three in one go: The Heineken Group ordered not just one but three lines for a greenfield brewery in Brazil....
      A distinctively eye-catching design and an unusual container type – Wine in PET bottles offers a sustainable alternative to the traditional glass bottle....
      Spare parts from the 3D printer: More and more customers are making use of Rapid Parts on Demand – and they can now look forward to some more new features....
      The Spanish brewery Estrella Galicia is booming. And for its second production plant, it has once again chosen to rely on brewing technology from Steinecker....
      Krones recognized the significance of artificial intelligence early on and established an AI team within the company....
      YES, they can: with two new Krones lines, the Taiwanese beverage producer YES is increasing performance and quality levels and reducing energy consumption....
      Better management and a campaign enabling employees to take leftover food home with them have been instrumental in roughly halving food waste in the company restaurants at Krones’ main base in Neutraubling....
      The Bavarian State Brewery Weihenstephan is the first customer to use the new kieselguhr-free filtration process developed by Steinecker and Erbslöh....
      Health comes first – also at Krones. The wide range of programmes offered by the Health Management Team in 2023 are living proof of this....
      Where the art of brewing meets mechanical and electrical technology: Apprentices from Augustiner and Krones demonstrate their skill installing a pilot filler for the new educational and pilot brewery....
      Every year, Krones employees have the opportunity to fulfil a Christmas wish for disadvantaged children from various social institutions and children from foster families, thus bringing them a special joy....
      Since early 2023, Krones has been running a pilot project entitled “leadership tandem”. In it, two women share a single leadership role, each working part time....
      Krones became a member of UN Global Compact Netzwerk Germany e.V. in October....
      The first module of Phoenix BMC, a concept for upcycling residual materials from the brewing process and using them for energy recovery, has been successfully put into operation at Ustersbacher Brewery....
      Shopfloor Guidance enhances plant monitoring by detecting machine problems at an early stage and triggering appropriate action....
      Colourful programme for the children of Krones employees on the school-free Day of Prayer and Repentance...
      Drawing on its brewing technology expertise, Steinecker has developed a bioreactor for biomass production that can be used to make alternative foods....
      A system recently developed by Krones, backed up by the strong partnership of Coca-Cola HBC and the packaging materials manufacturers involved, was instrumental in launching an innovative, plastic-free packaging solution on the Austrian...
      Meet the complex requirements of beverage production? No problem with Krones’ digital solutions....
      22. November 2023
      [Trend] Food for the Future
      Let us introduce you to the Krones Group’s alternative-food experts and bring you up to speed on the increasingly varied world of meat and milk substitutes....
      Thanks to a holistic line analysis performed by Steinecker and Krones, Lion Brewery will now be able to significantly reduce its consumption of both energy and water....
      The Krones Security Operations Center keeps an eye on customers’ IT systems around the clock to prevent cyberattacks....
      Matthias Rosenauer tells us about his daily routine as a software development engineer at Krones – a lateral entry that was definitely worthwhile....
      This October, Krones ran a breast cancer awareness campaign featuring several events aimed at fostering prevention and education....
      The Modulfill Bloc FS-C has expanded its output range by adding a new seamer model and is available in the traditional variant or with a compact cleanroom....
      Top result in the important sustainability rating: EcoVadis awards Krones' ESG performance with the gold medal....
      The event was centred around new legal situations, market trends and options for implementing a more sustainable production operation for reusable packaging....
      Mamuda Beverages is using its own energy infrastructure and a number of Krones PET lines to supply northern Nigeria with soft drinks....
      Lighthouse project: The site Debrecen in Hungary is well on its way to becoming the first net zero plant in the Krones Group....
      Steinecker Poseidon makes for homogeneous mixing in the tank, reduces beer losses and can accelerate the fermentation process....
      Cutting costs and contributing towards a circular economy: The remanufacturing program provided by Ampco Pumps, a new Krones subsidiary, offers customers both ecological and economic advantages....
      The Krones plant in Hungary has managed to increase its production output without the number of trucks used rising to the same extent. How did it manage that?...
      Sevenbräu relies on technology from the Krones Group for its latest greenfield brewery....
      In record time and perfectly matched to the requirements of the Eichhofen brewery, Krones' subsidiary ecomac was able to organise the replacement of a defective bottle washer....
      Why does inclusive workplace design at Krones headquarters in Neutraubling benefit every one of the employees? How can barriers for disabled people be minimised in different fields of work?...
      Cucumber, peach and herbs – what may sound like an exotic smoothie recipe is actually a list of increasingly popular sparkling-water flavors that are made possible by aseptic technologies....
      Get in, try it out! A roadshow stopping at the Rosenheim, Raubling and Nittenau plants helped to familiarise staff with electric cars....
      The Craftmate C can filler enables the Rittmayer brewery’s co-packing operation to process batches as small as 15 hectoliters to the highest quality standards....
      An ultra-lightweight PET bottle designed by Krones wins award in the “Sustainability” category....
      Plzeňský Prazdroj has chosen an intralogistics solution from System Logistics for automating its warehouse....
      Four Krones glass lines achieve record-breaking output levels at the new production facility of CR Snow....
      06. September 2023
      [Backstage] Trees as rewards
      A competition that benefits everyone: is rewarding the achievement of order intake targets by planting trees....
      Alternative proteins will in future become ever more important for global food security. Here you can find out about the expertise Krones has gained when it comes to making substitutes for animal proteins....
      Rising sales, lower emissions – How is that going to work? The heads of our Sustainability, R&D and Marketing Departments address this challenge in an illuminating debate....
      Munich’s Paulaner Brewery has put into operation a new returnable-glass line in its now eight-year-old plant, marking the first time the company has chosen Krones filling technology....
      Some insights into the interaction between water, our natural environment and industry...
      Lukas Stober, an electrical engineer in Krones’ Digitalisation and Automation Department, gives us some insight into his everyday work....
      Boosting India as a location: Krones is turning Bengaluru into a hub of the community, and Unicorn into a provider of turnkey solutions for process technology in India and beyond....
      The Financial Times and Statista recognize Krones’ efforts to help mitigate climate change....
      Greenfield project: Kosme put together a flexible production and filling line for the brand-new Brasserie de France....
      Krones is matching its human rights management system to the regulations laid down in the new German Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains (LkSG) – an interview with members of the Corporate Sustainability Team....
      Don’t throw it away – take it home! The System Logistics “Take away” campaign saves left-over canteen meals from the waste bin....
      More data for enhanced sustainability: Thanks to the energy and media dashboard of Integrated Analytics, the consumption figures of beverage lines are visible at a glance, thus identifying the relevant areas in which targeted improvements...
      Beer meets oat milk: Free Flow Manufacturing is expanding its production facility in New Zealand to include a brewery that also produces oat drinks using process technology from Krones and Steinecker....
      An industrial corporation with net-zero emissions – Is that possible? Our recently published climate transition plan clearly sets out all climate-relevant Krones information....
      At Berchtesgadener Land, a single Krones filler processes milk, cream and chocolate milk in keeping with each product’s specific needs....
      The Burkina Institute of Technology and Krones offer students an opportunity to expand their skill set during an internship....
      A tree for every member of the family: System Logistics has partnered with Treedom for a green and biodiverse world....
      12. Juli 2023
      [Reference] A quick beer
      AB InBev in South Africa opts for maximum capacity and flexibility for glass bottling....
      What happens to Krones machines when they have reached the end of their operational lifetime? They remain part of the circular economy!...
      The Thai Coca-Cola bottler Haad Thip is a trailblazer when it comes to sustainability – and has once again chosen technology from Krones....
      It’s a perfect match: the latest Contiform can process recycled plastics and contains recycled plastic itself....
      Krones designed and built a turnkey dairy for the Mauritanian company Enazaha....
      Looking back on 15 successful years of Krones’ enviro programme and spotlighting its vital importance for shaping our future...
      Even at the age of 64, site manager Gösta Lindahl is still travelling the world for Krones – and he has by no means had enough....
      Competitive behaviour and climate protection? That doesn't go together. Our sustainability strategy focuses on cooperation – not only within the Group, but also beyond....
      Sustainable and efficient: The first Krones ErgoBloc L rated at 100,000 bottles per hour is in operation at Niagara Bottling....
      The Krones Group improved its CDP score by a full grade for 2022 and is now better than the industry average....
      The great environmental issues of our time know no boundaries, whether by industry or region. And so, solving them likewise requires a spirit of openness. That is why Krones has established an innovation hub that reaches across and beyond...
      With a filling line and a water treatment system from Krones, Matous for Food Industries has kicked off its bottling of still water in Libya....
      The Volvic water brand, which belongs to Danone Waters, has chosen a wet-end block from Krones for filling its product into square bottles....
      The Italian mineral water bottler Acqua Sant’Anna has put into operation two more Krones filling lines featuring ErgoBloc L wet end technology....
      Krones and Schlossbrauerei Maxlrain (the Maxlrain castle brewery) provide vivid proof of how tradition and state-of-the-art technology complement each other perfectly....
      Krones is once again exhibiting packaging solutions at the interpack trade fair in Düsseldorf in 2023. At the stand, experts provide information on sustainability in packaging, recycling and filling....
      Krones is once again exhibiting packaging solutions at the interpack trade fair in Düsseldorf in 2023. At the stand, experts provide information on sustainability in packaging, recycling and filling....
      Krones is once again exhibiting packaging solutions at the interpack trade fair in Düsseldorf in 2023. At the stand, experts will be providing information on sustainability in packaging, recycling and filling....
      Krones is once again exhibiting packaging solutions at the interpack trade fair in Düsseldorf in 2023. At the stand, experts provide information on sustainability in packaging, recycling and filling....
      Bavaria is relying on filling and packaging technology from Krones three times over for its new greenfield brewery in Barranquilla, Colombia....
      Krones and CCL offer beverage companies the perfect tools for producing sleeve-labelled containers at a consistently high speed: the Sleevematic TS machine and the EcoFloat sleeve....
      SLA Performance brings cost-drivers under control and raises a line’s effectiveness to an optimal level....
      Coca-Cola’s first-ever aseptic line in India is built by Krones and is being installed at NJ Foods, a branch of Kandhari Beverages....
      Join us on an exploratory journey into the world of the circular economy!...
      Unibev has put a new canning line from Krones into operation in Kuwait....
      Makkah Water in Saudi Arabia has updated its main water bottling plant with two additional high-speed filling lines and a water treatment system from Krones....
      Offering a high degree of flexibility, the new Contipure AseptBloc for aseptic filling of PET containers can be run at an ultra-wide range of speeds....
      A new canning line will take the Rittmayer Brewery’s filling centre for beer to the next level....
      For the third order in a row, South Korean water bottler Jeju Province Development Co. (JPDC) has once again chosen Krones....
      First Krones filling line solves a highly complex challenge at Meoqui, Mexico, brewery....
      Krones joined forces with Trelleborg Sealing Solutions to carry out research into seals able to prevent aroma migration....
      Within just twelve months, Krones supplied six water bottling lines and two water treatment systems to the Pure Beverages Industry Company (PBIC) in Saudi Arabia....
      Whether it's juices or sauces: If it flows, Krones technology can fill it. And every client gets a custom solution....
      The European drinks manufacturer innocent has built a new, 100 percent electric carbon-neutral bottling plant – and fitted it out with four Krones PET lines and the corresponding IT infrastructure....
      Still going strong after more than 100,000 operating hours: Sachsenmilch’s first aseptic four-colour filler from Krones....
      Cambodia’s leading beer and beverage producer, Khmer Beverages has further expanded its production capacity – once again bringing new filling and process technology from Krones into operation....
      The Austrian company Starzinger fills branded and private-label products and will install its fourth Krones canning line, going for high performance for the first time....
      The Greek beverage producer Kliafa relies on a new PET line from Krones for its innovative soft drinks....
      The privately owned Libyan company Ajyal started with edible oil operations with a new turnkey line from Krones....
      The Saudi-Arabian mineral water bottler Azbah Water is increasing its capacity for small bottles with a new high-speed line from Krones....
      The Botec F1 process control system makes it possible to run batch production with secure, dependable, and reproducible results....
